
The Carthage curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary study, hands-on learning through research and other projects, 各专业写作, and developing the critical thinking and reading skills necessary to excel in work and life. 你需要130个学分才能毕业 from Carthage — but that’s just a number. Earning a degree from Carthage is about much more than checking off a list of requirements.

  • 在BETVLCTOR伟德登录获得学位意味着得到各自领域顶尖教授的个人关注 in classes that may have just a handful of other students.
  • It’s about tackling topics from new directions — and in new places, through offerings like the interdisciplinary courses and 1项.
  • It’s about studying the cultural foundations upon which societies are built 通过 知识基础 研讨会.
  • It’s about learning to solve problems by conducting your own original research and analysis 然后把你的发现告诉别人.
  • It’s about transforming from a good student into a great scholar.

下面是学生们在bv伟德ios下载的学习经历——基本上是你走向转变的地图. Please note: Current students should follow the printed version of the 大学目录 and work with their advisors and the department chair to ensure all requirements are met.

看专业 & 未成年人


你需要130个学分才能毕业. 大部分课程是4学分, and full-time students may register for 12-18 credits during each 14-week term.

关于 a third of your courses will be core courses, common for all majors. 另外三分之一是与你的专业相关的课程. The remainder of your courses will be electives — courses you choose to enhance your major, 拓宽你的专业知识, 或者探索新的兴趣.


The general education curriculum is comprised of one 知识基础 研讨会 course, 健康要求, 反射框架, and a set of curriculum requirements divided into three categories: 探索, 能力, 和观点.



  • 一(1)知识基础课程 All students must successfully complete one 研讨会 course called 知识基础, typically taken during the fall semester of the first year. 知识基础 will expose you to literature from some of the greatest thinkers, 作者, 艺术家, and leaders of all time — not so you can “ooh” and “ahh” at their genius, 但你可以以此为基础. 你会想象什么是可能的, 学会独立思考, 并发现你能够通过结合激烈的讨论和复杂的写作作业来实现什么. *注意:在2020年秋季之前进入bv伟德ios下载的学生必须完成两个学期的知识基础课程.


  • One (1) or more wellness courses (at least 2 credits) — 通过健康要求, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to live healthier lives, enhancing your general well-being at Carthage and beyond. 健康是一种全面的方法,通过一个动态的成长和变化过程来优化你的生活. 学生将有机会参加一门健康课程,专注于改善他们在以下方面的健康:精神和情感, 物理, 环境, 社会, 金融, 精神上的, 知识, 和职业. 


探索类鼓励学生通过探索整个学院的课程和研究在一系列不同学科中获得知识的过程来培养求知欲. Students will take one (1) explorations course in each of these four areas: 

  • 一门艺术探究课程(4学分)  Students have the opportunity to perform or create by taking a course in the literary, 执行, 或者视觉艺术. 选项包括表演, 跳舞, 声乐或乐器课程, 音乐乐团, 音乐剧工作坊, 歌剧生产, 和更多的! 
  • 一(1)文化传承课程(4学分)  通过研究和询问有关人类文化遗产的问题——他们的历史和他们留下的产品,我们培养了对我们的世界和我们在其中的位置的更深层次的理解. 这种探究教会了我们其他文化的价值观和观点,同时也加深了我们对自己文化的理解. Students will gain insight from poems, novels, paintings, plays, histories, myths, 和更多的. 
  • 一(1)社会互动课程(4学分 学生将学习人类行为的模式, 社会互动, the structures we create that shape these interactions, 以及整个社会.
  • 一(1)科学探索课程(4学分) 学生将学习如何更好地理解和解释科学信息,以便为自己和社区做出正确的决定. 对自然世界运作的好奇心是使我们成为人类的重要组成部分——参与科学发现的过程是获取知识的核心部分. 


能力类别鼓励学生发展在大学及以后取得成功所需的一些技能. 学生将学习两门全球语言课程, 四门书面沟通课程, and one course each in Oral Communication and Quantitative Reasoning. 

  • 两(2)国际语言课程(8学分) Understanding and interacting in a global society increasingly requires languages skills. Global Language courses build linguistic and cultural competency, as well as basic communication skills in a foreign language. 
  • 四(4)书面沟通课程(16学分) 写作是所有学科、专业和各行各业交流的关键形式. 通过写作表达思想的能力是必不可少的——写作必须在教育过程的各个阶段进行教授和练习,以使学生能够在一个复杂的世界中清晰而有区别地分享. Students will practice and improve the articulation of ideas and arguments in clear, 精确的, 表达性写作. 
  • 一(1)口语交际课程(4学分) Clear and effective verbal expression is a skill demanded of us in every area of life. 无论我们是参与小组讨论还是向一大群观众做演讲,我们都需要进行有效的沟通. 虽然一些口头交流是大学教育的内在组成部分, 有意和持续地发展这些技能将为你的成功奠定基础. 
  • 一(1)定量推理课程(4学分) 作为受过教育的公民, 我们对周围世界的理解以及我们做出理性决策的能力部分是基于定量信息的. 为了管理我们的财务, 保持健康, 关注新闻, 我们需要能够处理数值数据. 除了, 我们认识到,学生需要更多的机会来发展与许多专业和职业相关的定量技能. 


这个类别鼓励学生从不同的角度思考周围的世界. Students will take one course in each of the following areas: Religious 视角, 不同的观点, 国际视角, 跨学科视角. 

  • 一(1)宗教观点课程- 在世界各地,宗教往往是文化、伦理和社会实践的基础. 通过宗教观点的要求, 学生将做好分析的准备, 善于表达, 当他们遇到一个道德复杂的世界时,捍卫自己和他人的宗教观点.
  • 一(1)多元视角课程- 我们生活在一个多元化的社会, and diversity comes in a variety of forms including race, 种族, 宗教, 社会阶层, 性取向, 性别认同. 对学生来说,了解不同的个人和群体互动的方式是很重要的, to learn of the personal and institutional inequities within our systems, 并理解我们周围的各种知识和文化背景如何让我们认识到自己的环境. 学生将获得更广阔的视野,这有助于克服任何单一环境中固有的局限性.
  • 一(1)国际视野课程 我们也生活在一个全球化的社会, 伟德手机APP, 文化, 政治, 迁移, 贸易变得越来越重要. 这种持续的全球化源于代表世界各地国家和文化身份的个人之间的互动, 每个都有自己的背景, 理想, 和目标. 理解这些全球性问题不仅需要意识到这些问题,还需要从美国以外的角度看待这些问题的能力,以便适当有效地解释和与世界互动.
  • 一(1)跨学科视角课程- 跨学科研究是文科经验的核心——它们鼓励学生从多个角度考虑重要问题,并重视这种方法的结果. 这促进了认知发展, 包括知识获取的不同方法和替代观点的整合. As a result, these experiences prepare students for success in the modern world. 


The 反射的框架 helps students to process their experiences, 有意识地对待他们的选择, 制定适当的教育计划. Many students begin their college journey uncertain about who they are, 他们想成为什么样的人, and how their education can support them in developing and refining their goals. To aid students in finding their own answers to these questions, 反思贯穿于bv伟德ios下载的课程之中. 这些课程组成部分使用教学, 指导, 同行的讨论, 以及个人自我检查,以帮助学生个性化他们的教育,并阐明它在他们持续的个人发展中所起的作用. 



你的专业最多需要56个学分, with no more than 40 of these credits within any one department. You may count a maximum of 56 credits in any one department toward graduation; however, you must have 74 credits outside your major department in order to graduate. (转学生必须在bv伟德ios下载完成至少12个学分的专业.)

未成年人 are optional unless specified as a requirement for the major. 未成年人 may be pursued through electives and through general requirements. The minor is a minimum of 20 credits and a maximum of 24 credits. Those planning to obtain teacher licensure must consult with the College certification officer. Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits in the minor at Carthage.


选修课允许您探索各种学科和知识领域的智力兴趣. So peruse the Carthage Catalog or the courses pages in any of our more than 75个研究领域. 你还想进一步了解什么? 现在是你的机会. 去学点东西.



Carthage is one of the few schools in the country to require a senior thesis. All students must complete a senior thesis in order to graduate, but don’t worry: Your faculty thesis advisor will guide you in your research, 协助你研究技术, 并帮助你磨练你的演讲技巧. This is your chance to apply everything you’ve learned over the previous three years. Your senior thesis can take the form of a written thesis, 实验室研究, 艺术展览, 音乐演奏会, or other significant and integrative experience appropriate to your major. 毕业于多个专业的学生必须完成每个专业的毕业论文项目, or one integrative senior project approved by each major department or program.


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